Friday, September 9, 2011

The mystery jar

 Mystery Jar

We have made a mystery jar but had to hand it over to anther group, but in return we receive a .... 

We get a mystery jar handed over to us. What is in it? How many different stuff is in there? How much of everything is in there? Will it explode?

When the mystery jar is handed over to us,  we first begin to observe what may and may not be what's inside. We observe that there may be iron in this mixture, therefore we grab a magnet and test it. The magnet test proved that there was iron. However the real question was, how much? Therefore we weigh the whole mixture(12.20 grams) But  now we had to figure out what else was in there. And by our observation we concluded it was sugar and Callisumcarbonate. To measure the Callisumcarbonate we used the wire mesh To separate the Callisumcarbonate from the sugar nd iron. Then we used the scale to measure it which came out to be 8.82 grams now to separate the iron from the sugar... We decided the best way would be to filter out the sugar from the iron. This would be done by taking a beaker and set the filter in, and add water to the compound of sugar and iron then dump it the filter. And wait for the compound to separate. Before picking up the iron with the magnet, we measured the magnet which was 5.66 grams and after, with the iron it weighed 14.17 grams.  So now its all simple math. 14.17-5.66=8.51
iron=8.51 grams
So sugar = 3.09 grams 

Now to see how close the calculations were..... 
    Callisumcarbonate= 8.84 g
    Iron= 4.51 g
    Sugar= 3.11 g 

All our measurements were close except for iron, maybe the magnet threw us off. 

Now we know what is in the mystery jar!=]
    (and it did not explode) 

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