CERN: Light Speed May Have Been Exceeded By Subatomic Particle
In this article it is said that Einstein's theory of relativity may have been disproved. The theory says that nothing can go faster than the speed of light or better known as E=MC2(squared). This theory has always worked until European researchers clocked a neutrino going 186,282 m/s. (cosmic speed limit) A neutrino is a subatomic particle, odd silvers of an atom with almost no mass that have three different "flavors" and it may have it's own anti particle and shifts one flavor to anther while shooting out from the sun. The neutrino traveled 60 nanoseconds faster than the speed of light . The margin of error is only 10 n/s. The scientist at CERN have spent months rechecking their findings. They still aren't ready to call it a new discovery. They want other physicist to try and verify their discovery. There are only two other labs that can replicate the CERN one. How could this happen?There could be shortcuts through other dimensions. Or the universe is not perfectly symmetrical like Einstein said it was. Although our life's will not change if this is a new discovery, will change our understanding of how the universe operates. This can be a revolutionary discovery.
I think it is crazy how for so many years we have lived by Einstein's theory and all of a sudden it may not be correct. It's kinda like when people thought the world was flat. However I am glad that, there is new discoveries. The discoveries will only make the world better because we will understand everything a lot better and know how to go upon certain situations.